An object of enduring curiosity, the Paris Catacombs were installed in the galleries of a former quarry that was used to provide building stones for the capital. Twenty meters underground, an ossuary containing the remains of several million Parisians is found. The presence of statements, poems and other sacred or profane texts adds a meditative aspect to the circuit. 

Offer your guests a unique experience by enabling them to visit the Paris Catacombs outside opening hours. 

Private tours in French or English last an hour to an hour-and-a-half and can be organized outside of public hours, every day at 8 p.m., as well as on Mondays during the day.
They are led by a lecturer and are organized in groups with a maximum of 20 participants.
There is a flat rate for groups from one to twenty people.
Up to three groups can be organized (departure every ten minutes).

The tour can be prolonged with a cocktail at the end of the circuit (35 participants maximum).

Rates for private visits:

  • € 3,350 (excl. tax) for 1 to 20 people (1 group)
  • € 4,450 (excl. tax) for 21 to 40 people (2 groups)
  • € 5,600 (excl. tax) for 41 to 60 people (3 groups)

(excluding fees for lecturers and guardians)

Reservations must be made at least thee weeks before the desired date.
The catalogs of the collections and exhibitions of the City of Paris museums may be given as a souvenir of the event for your guests.




Filming and photographs 

The unique atmosphere of the Paris Catacombs and their very strong image offer a range of unusual backgrounds for filming and photo shoots for feature films, documentaries, interviews, photo sessions and advertising.
Because of the memorial character and exceptional nature of the site and its fragility, particular attention is paid to requests for filming and photo shoots.
Requests for filming or photo shoots must be made at least two weeks ahead.

Tell us about your filming project

Film: Application Form
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